Please see English version below.
Please see English version below.
Du ser denne side, fordi der er sket en fejl under login til vores app.
MitID-appen kan ikke sende dig direkte tilbage til vores app, efter du har godkendt. Det skyldes en indstilling i nogle Android-telefoner.
Åbn PensionDanmark-appen igen. Den har registreret, at du har godkendt med MitID – så du bør kunne lave en personlig kode til appen nu og gøre installeringen af appen færdig.
Har du en Samsung-telefon, kan du rette indstillingen på din telefon, så du undgår samme problem på andre apps.
Du retter indstillingerne her:
Indstillinger -> Apps -> Samsung-appindstillinger -> Samsung Internet -> Nyttige funktioner. Slå indstillingen "Åbn applinks i browser" fra.
Hvis det ikke virker, kan du ringe til Medlemsservice. Så hjælper vi dig videre.
Get help if you have problems logging in to our app for the first time.
You are viewing this page because an error happened while you were logging in to our app for the first time.
The MitID app cannot send you directly back to our app after you have authenticated. This is due to a setting in some Android phones.
Try opening the PensionDanmark app again. It has registered that you have authenticated with MitID - and you should now be able to create a personal code for the app and finish installing the app.
If you have a Samsung phone, you can change the setting on your phone to avoid the same problem on other apps.
You can change the settings here:
Settings -> Apps -> Samsung app settings -> Samsung Internet -> Useful features.
Turn off the "Open app links in browser" option.
If this does not work, please call our Member Service.